There is only two ways I see this going and I don't really like either of them. The lesser of two evils would be that they start off the show with some kind of backstage parody (ex: Shelton Benjamin and Trish Stratus making fun of Terrell Owens and the chick from Desperate Housewives from their Monday Night Football sketch). This wouldn't be that bad, but I'd be willing to bet that it would just be boring, not funny, and just a waste of time.
The other way that I think this will go is that they do some sort of in ring thing like I referenced before. Maybe someone that looks like Kroenke(IDK what he looks like) would come out and make fun of the fans of something then someone would come out and beat him up alittle, maybe even Vince himself. Or they have some kind of stupid match between "Kroenke" and Vince or some other superstar. If anything happens in the ring it is going to be along the lines of Trump/Rosie or Obama/Clinton.
Don't get me wrong, I used to really like when things like this happened, DX dressing up like the Nation, making fun of WCW before shows, Stone Cold driving almost every kind of vehicle to the ring, Kurt Angle and his milk truck. I really looked forward to see what they would come up w/ next, but now I can not stand knowing something like this is more than likely going to happen.
These things use to be creative and not just funny, but fun. Now it is a chore to sit through them. I know people have high hopes for this upcoming Raw, as do I, but if there ends up not being ANY kind of Kroenke parody I'm going to consider it a good Raw.