Who is Jeopardy Player and Contestant Audrey Satchivi?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Senior at Indiana University Audrey Satchivi was moved by host Mayim Bialik to discuss her fascinating hobby.

I’m kind of an old spirit, I guess,” the contestant admitted. I’ve been gathering some items that are somewhat out of date at the moment. What she said next will absolutely surprise you!

I’ve been accumulating albums, CDs, and DVDs, Satchivi continued. I recently acquired a new DVD, and I’m very excited about it, but I suppose I miss my youth a little bit,” she said.

Given the substantial increase in vinyl sales over the previous two decades, Satchivi might not be aware that these items are less out of date than she initially thought. It makes sense that it seems like a foreign concept given that Satchivi wasn’t evenliving at the time.

Of course, Bialik was unsure of how to respond to that and simply added “alright” before continuing. That is all you can do at times.

Nevertheless, Satchivi received $5,000 after Tuesday’s episode, which is roughly the equivalent of 250 CDs. This will be a welcome addition to her expanding collection of outdated items. Perhaps she should think about including Blu-Ray in the equation! In a few years, those might genuinely be considered outdated.

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