This Exfoliating Serum Left Me With Glowing Skin

May 2024 · 3 minute read

As a beauty writer who's tried far more products than my skin can tolerate, I've learned the skincare world is a lot like the dating app world: There's a slew of options full of promise at the reach of your thumb, but most end up being all talk. If you can't tell, I've turned into a bit of a skincare cynic after over a decade of testing products that don't always live up to their marketing labels — but recently, I found a serum that actually transformed my skin in just a few days.

Here's the story: As soon as summer hit and my social life resumed, I went a tad overboard with my wine, dairy, and sugar consumption, according to my skin. My complexion looked lackluster and my forehead had amassed a flurry of blemishes. Just when I had exhausted all my skincare go-tos with no relief, a package arrived at my door. Inside, as if sent from the skincare gods above, was GoopGlow's latest Dark Spot Exfoliating Sleep Milk. It promised to "exfoliate, resurface, and moisturize" my skin, which is exactly what I needed.


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The Sleep Milk (which is just a fancy name for a milky nighttime serum) is basically an all-in-one product that exfoliates, brightens, soothes, and decongests skin. It's formulated with powerful exfoliants like glycolic acid and lactic acid to help even skin tone and whisk away all those dead skin cells, as well as hydrating ingredients like squalane and something wonderfully Goop-y-sounding, "desert milk," a concoction of moisturizing extracts like jojoba oil, aloe, and Kalahari melon. Of course, it already has brand founder Gwyneth Paltrow's stamp of approval. "It simplifies my whole routine by addressing multiple skin issues at once," she wrote in an Instagram post. "I smooth it on every night before bed and I wake up with baby-soft, glowy, hydrated skin."

I used the serum the night I got it with the simple hope it would push my blemishes to their healing stage by the morning. I was delightfully surprised when I woke up with shrunken spots, less redness, and an overall dewy complexion. As I continued to use the Sleep Milk for the next three nights (with a break in-between uses, per the product instructions), my breakout completely disappeared. Now, after two weeks of consistent usage, my skin is soft, smooth, and honestly, the glowiest I've seen it in years.

I still need to give it time to see a difference in my dark spots and overall hydration, but I'm hopeful for the long-term results. Look at that — this beauty writer may not be a cynic after all. Snag your own bottle of GoopGlow's Dark Spot Exfoliating Sleep Milk at Credo to see the results for yourself.
