Is The TV Personality Simon Cowell Color Blind? 2023 Update

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Color blindness amongst celebrities is generally not known to the public, and the buzz in the industry right now is if Simon Cowell is color blind.

Simon Cowell is an English record producer famous as a judge of many hit reality TV shows like American Idol.

His criticism of contestants on the show gained him notoriety among the show’s fan base.

However, Simon is an entrepreneur well known for finding new talents and providing a platform to boost their career.

His rise to fame began in the 2000s as the British television series witnessed substantial growth.

From then on, he primarily acted as a judge in many reality TV series.

With constant attention from netizens, rumors are always spiraling around Simon Cowell, and this time, color-blind talk is creating a buzz.

Is The TV Personality Simon Cowell Color Blind? 2023 Update

In June 2023, Simon Cowell raised the curiosity of him being color blind with his bizarre appearance in Britain’s Got Talent.

During the semi-final round of Britain’s Got Talent, Simon appeared with funky red-tinted glasses.

And netizens believe that this sparked the rumors of him being color blind.

The red-tinted glasses did not do Simon any favors, with several fans remarking that they did not suit him.

Further, the glasses and their overall form factor could have fans guessing that he was color-blind.

Since these glasses form factor, they slightly match color-blind glasses.

Several celebrities, including Keanu Reeves, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Clinton, and Prince William, suffer from color blindness.

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Simon Cowell’s History Of Strange Appearances

Further back in April 2022, Simon’s appearance in Britain’s Got Talent has him looking rather droopy and different. This was the side effect of his face filler.

Fans were quick to point out that his eyes looked like they were disappearing, with them looking droopy.

And with the recent appearance of Simon with the red-tinted glasses, this led to fans speculating about him potentially having issues with his eyes.

However, there has been no statement from Simon Cowell about the rumor. Hence, we can only guess if it is true or not.

But judging by Simon’s playful attitude, it does not look like he wore the glasses because he is color blind.

This seems to be a wrong fashion ploy. Further, not only is this discussion among fans, but also on the show.

One fan pointed out that it seemed Simon was paying tribute to George Michael.

George Michael, too, had indicated that he was partially color blind. He further stated that he found it tough to differentiate shapes.

And with Simon Cowell wearing identical glasses, much like George Michael, fans did raise questions regarding him potentially being color blind as well.

Hence, regardless of his playful antics, fans may have been guessing Simon Cowell is color blind, but he is doubtful to be one.

He would have said something about the same, given his vocal nature.

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