Miley Cyrus Told Women They Dont Have to Be Gay Because There Are Good Men Out There

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Miley Cyrus has never been someone to shy away from controversy or speaking her mind. And the latest example of this comes from a recent Instagram Live she did with her new boyfriend, Cody Simpson. In it the singer joked that women “don’t have to be gay” because there are “good men out there.” People, unsurprisingly, have not responded well to this sentiment.

“Guys, I was being a little too, like…hardcore feminist vibes and, just like, I don’t know, not allowing anyone in, but now I am,” Cyrus said during her livestream, per E! “There are good men out there, guys. Don’t give up. You don’t have to be gay. There are good people with dicks out there. You just gotta find them. You gotta find a dick that’s not a dick, you know what I mean?”

Simpson then laughed and repeated Cyrus’s “You don’t have to be gay” statement, and she responded with “I always thought I had to be gay, because I just thought all guys are evil, but that’s not true.

“There are good people out there that just happen to have dicks,” Cyrus continued. “I’ve only ever met one, and he’s on this Live.”

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Back in February, Cyrus talked to Vanity Fair about her sexuality in the context of her marriage to Liam Hemsworth. (The couple announced their split in August, and she then dated Kaitlynn Carter before getting together with Simpson.) “We’re redefining, to be fucking frank, what it looks like for someone that’s a queer person like myself to be in a hetero relationship. A big part of my pride and my identity is being a queer person,” she said. “What I preach is: People fall in love with people, not gender, not looks, not whatever. What I’m in love with exists on almost a spiritual level. It has nothing to do with sexuality. Relationships and partnerships in a new generation—I don’t think they have so much to do with sexuality or gender. Sex is actually a small part, and gender is a very small, almost irrelevant part of relationships.”
