Celebrities That Live in NC Tar Heel State Stars

May 2024 · 13 minute read

Living in North Carolina provides a unique blend of natural beauty, a vibrant culture, and a thriving culinary scene. From stunning mountain views to beautiful beach towns, this Tar Heel State has it all. Not only does North Carolina offer a diverse range of attractions and activities, but it also attracts some of the world’s most beloved celebrities who have chosen to call it home.

celebrities that live in nc

Key Takeaways:

Michael Jordan – Living Legend in North Carolina

When it comes to North Carolina, one name that immediately comes to mind is the legendary basketball player, Michael Jordan. Born and raised in the state, Jordan’s ties to North Carolina run deep. Even after achieving unparalleled success in the NBA, he has chosen to maintain his residence here, embracing the natural beauty and tranquility that the state has to offer.

While Jordan is world-renowned for his basketball prowess, his decision to live in North Carolina extends beyond the sport. It is a deliberate choice to avoid the hustle and bustle of city life and the constant scrutiny that comes with being a global icon. Instead, Jordan finds solace in the peaceful surroundings of North Carolina, where he can enjoy a sense of privacy and escape from the celebrity drama.

Not only does Jordan’s presence in North Carolina add to the state’s rich cultural heritage, but it also serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and fans alike. His contributions to the game of basketball and his philanthropic efforts have left an indelible mark on the community. By choosing to call North Carolina home, Jordan continues to inspire a new generation of athletes and reminds us all of the enduring legacy of a living legend.

Table: Michael Jordan’s Achievements

NBA Championships1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998
NBA Most Valuable Player Awards1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998
Olympic Gold Medals1984, 1992, 1996
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Induction2009

Luke Combs – Country Music Star from North Carolina

Luke Combs - Country Music Star from North Carolina

Luke Combs, a rising star in the country music scene, hails from the beautiful state of North Carolina. Born and raised in the Tar Heel State, Combs has deep roots in the country music traditions that have flourished in North Carolina for decades. While he currently maintains a residence in Nashville, Tennessee, Combs has also chosen to invest in property in North Carolina, ensuring a strong connection to his home state and its Southern charm.

Combs’ journey to stardom started with his debut album, “This One’s for You,” which quickly gained recognition and topped the country music charts. His unique blend of traditional and contemporary country styles, coupled with heartfelt songwriting, has resonated with fans around the world. Combs’ undeniable talent and down-to-earth personality have made him a beloved figure in the country music industry.

The Rise of Luke Combs

Since his debut, Luke Combs has achieved numerous accolades and milestones in his career. His sophomore album, “What You See Is What You Get,” skyrocketed to the top of the charts, solidifying his status as one of country music’s brightest stars. Combs’ ability to connect with his audience through his music has earned him a loyal and devoted fanbase.

In addition to his chart-topping success, Combs has received numerous awards and nominations, including multiple Academy of Country Music Awards and Country Music Association Awards. His powerful performances and heartfelt lyrics have struck a chord with fans, making him one of the most sought-after acts in the country music industry.

With his unparalleled talent and deep love for North Carolina, Luke Combs continues to make a significant impact on the country music scene. He proudly represents his home state wherever he goes, spreading the joy of country music and the spirit of North Carolina to fans worldwide.

Gladys Knight – The Empress of Soul in North Carolina

North Carolina is not only home to stunning landscapes and vibrant cultural scenes but also to a diverse range of celebrities who have chosen to reside here. Among these is the legendary Gladys Knight, known as “the Empress of Soul.” Knight, with her incredible voice and iconic career, has made a name for herself in the music industry and has found a peaceful retreat in the charming town of Fairview, North Carolina.

“I have found solace and inspiration in the warm embrace of North Carolina,” says Knight. “The natural beauty and the friendly community have played a significant role in my decision to call this place home.”

When she’s not captivating audiences with her soulful performances or engaging in her acting endeavors, Knight actively participates in the local community. Her friendly nature aligns perfectly with the warm Southern hospitality that North Carolina is renowned for.

As a North Carolina resident, Gladys Knight epitomizes the state’s rich musical heritage and serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists. Her presence in North Carolina adds to the vibrant cultural tapestry that the Tar Heel State is known for.

Table: A Glimpse into Gladys Knight’s Accomplishments

MusicInducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Multiple Grammy Awards
Chart-topping hits including “Midnight Train to Georgia”
ActingRoles in acclaimed films and television shows
Guest judge on popular talent competitions
PhilanthropySupport for various charitable organizations

Gladys Knight’s exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to her craft have solidified her position as a music icon. Her decision to call North Carolina home speaks volumes about the state’s allure, as it continues to attract influential and respected figures from different industries.

David Holt – Preserving the Musical Heritage of North Carolina

David Holt, a renowned musician and four-time Grammy winner, is a proud resident of North Carolina. Originally from Texas, Holt has called North Carolina home since the 1960s. His deep appreciation for banjo music and Appalachian traditions led him to dedicate his life to preserving and sharing these musical heritage.

As a resident of North Carolina, Holt actively participates in the state’s rich cultural scene, performing and teaching the traditional music that he holds dear. He has been instrumental in organizing music festivals and workshops, bringing together musicians and enthusiasts to celebrate and learn about the diverse musical traditions of the region.

“North Carolina has been a constant source of inspiration and connection for me,” says Holt. “The beauty of the state’s landscape and the warmth of its people are truly unmatched. I am grateful to call North Carolina home and to have the opportunity to share its musical heritage with the world.”

Through his work, Holt aims to keep traditional music alive and pass it on to future generations. He believes that preserving these cultural traditions is not only important for the identity of the state but also for the collective memory and understanding of American music as a whole.

Years ActiveGenreAwards
1960-presentTraditional Music4 Grammy Awards

David Holt’s passion for preserving the musical heritage of North Carolina and his dedication to sharing this rich culture have made him an integral part of the state’s artistic community. His contributions serve as a reminder of the importance of honoring and celebrating our roots, ensuring that the traditions of the past continue to thrive in the present and future.

Adam Copeland – Wrestling Superstar in the Mountains of North Carolina

adam copeland

Adam Copeland, better known by his wrestling moniker “Edge,” has chosen to reside in the scenic mountains of North Carolina. After falling in love with the state while visiting for a match, Copeland couldn’t resist the allure of the attractions and artsy areas. Appreciating the beauty and charm of North Carolina, he now enjoys the relaxed lifestyle the state offers.

As a WWE Hall of Famer, Copeland’s legendary career in professional wrestling has taken him around the world. However, he has found solace in the tranquil surroundings of North Carolina. The state’s lush landscapes and breathtaking views provide him with the perfect backdrop for relaxation and inspiration.

“North Carolina is my sanctuary,” says Copeland. “The mountains offer a sense of peace and serenity that allows me to reconnect with myself and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.”

In addition to enjoying the natural beauty of the state, Copeland is also an active member of the North Carolina community. He has participated in various charity events and has shown his support for local businesses and organizations.

The Allure of North Carolina Mountains

  • Stunning panoramic views
  • Abundance of outdoor recreational activities
  • Thriving arts and culture scene
  • Tight-knit and welcoming community
  • Copeland’s choice to make North Carolina his home reflects his appreciation for the state’s unique blend of nature, arts, and community. The mountains of North Carolina provide him with a haven away from the glitz and glamour of the wrestling world, allowing him to find peace and tranquility in the heart of nature.

    Steve Martin – Comedy Icon in Brevard, North Carolina

    Steve Martin, renowned for his comedic talent, has chosen to escape the expected glitz and glamour of Hollywood and find respite in the peaceful town of Brevard, North Carolina. Away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Martin has created a retreat where he can embrace his love for the arts and the serene environment the state provides.

    Recognized for his brilliant performances in movies such as “The Jerk” and “Father of the Bride,” Martin has established himself as one of the most beloved comedians of our time. However, beyond his successful acting career, Martin has also showcased his talents as a banjo player and musician. With a deep appreciation for traditional music, Martin’s choice to live in North Carolina aligns perfectly with his passion for the banjo and the state’s rich musical heritage.

    “North Carolina offers a blend of natural beauty, artistic inspiration, and a sense of community that you just can’t find elsewhere. It allows me to escape the chaos of the entertainment world and truly connect with my passions.” – Steve Martin

    Brevard, nestled in the stunning mountains of North Carolina, provides an idyllic setting for Martin’s creative pursuits. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, he finds inspiration for his art in the beauty of the natural world. Additionally, the town’s close-knit community and thriving arts scene foster a supportive and collaborative environment that encourages artistic expression.

    Steve Martin’s decision to make North Carolina his home speaks volumes about the state’s ability to attract and nurture creative individuals. By embracing the calm and charm of Brevard, he has found a place where he can continue to share his comedic brilliance and indulge in his passion for the arts.

    Ric Flair – Wrestling Legend in the Heart of Charlotte

    Ric Flair, also known as “The Nature Boy,” is a renowned professional wrestler who has made North Carolina his home. Born in Tennessee, Flair spent the bulk of his wrestling career in North Carolina, which played a significant role in shaping his persona. Drawn to the vibrant wrestling culture and fan base in the state, Flair decided to establish his residence in Charlotte, the heart of North Carolina.

    Flair’s connection to North Carolina goes beyond his wrestling career. He is an avid supporter of local businesses and actively participates in charitable initiatives within the community. Flair’s presence in Charlotte has not only solidified his status as a wrestling legend but has also contributed to the city’s reputation as a hub for wrestling enthusiasts.

    “North Carolina has been my home for decades, and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The passionate fans, the vibrant wrestling scene, and the welcoming community have made this state truly special to me,” said Flair.

    Flair’s decision to become a North Carolina resident showcases his deep appreciation for the state’s rich wrestling heritage and his desire to stay connected to the heart of the wrestling world. His continued involvement in the community and dedication to his craft have solidified his status as a beloved figure both inside and outside the wrestling ring.

    Table: Notable Wrestlers Who Call North Carolina Home

    Ric FlairCharlotte
    Shane HelmsAberdeen
    Jeff HardyCameron
    Matt HardyCameron
    Sasha BanksBoston (born in Fairfield)

    Table demonstrates a glimpse of the notable wrestlers who reside in North Carolina. While Ric Flair calls Charlotte his home, other wrestlers including Shane Helms, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, and Sasha Banks have established their residences in different parts of the state. Their presence further solidifies North Carolina’s reputation as a wrestling haven.

    Ashley Christensen – Culinary Powerhouse in North Carolina

    Ashley Christensen, a renowned James Beard award-winning chef, has become a culinary force to be reckoned with in North Carolina. As a resident of the state, Christensen has embraced the vibrant food scene that North Carolina has to offer. With her undeniable talent and passion for creating exquisite dishes, she has elevated the culinary experiences in the region to new heights.

    Christensen’s commitment to her craft and her determination to showcase the best of North Carolina’s flavors have made her a beloved figure in the culinary world. She has masterfully blended traditional Southern ingredients and techniques with innovative twists, resulting in unforgettable dining experiences.

    From her acclaimed flagship establishment, Poole’s Diner, to her other highly successful ventures such as Death & Taxes, Beasley’s Chicken + Honey, and Bridge Club, Christensen continues to push boundaries and redefine what it means to dine in North Carolina. Her dedication to sourcing local and seasonal ingredients has not only supported local farmers and producers but has also contributed to the sustainable and farm-to-table movement that is gaining momentum across the country.

    Ashley Christensen’s presence in North Carolina is a testament to the state’s rich culinary heritage and its vibrant food culture. Through her culinary prowess and unwavering commitment to excellence, she has solidified her position as a culinary powerhouse not only in North Carolina but also in the hearts and taste buds of food enthusiasts nationwide.


    Are these celebrities currently living in North Carolina?

    Yes, all of the celebrities mentioned in this article are known to be residents of North Carolina.

    Why do these celebrities choose to live in North Carolina?

    Many celebrities are drawn to North Carolina for its natural beauty, vibrant culture, and relaxed lifestyle. The state offers a blend of stunning landscapes, a thriving culinary scene, and a welcoming community, making it an attractive place to call home.

    Do these celebrities actively participate in the local community?

    Yes, many of these celebrities are actively involved in the local communities where they reside. They contribute to charitable causes, support local businesses, and attend community events.

    Are these celebrities accessible to the public?

    While these celebrities value their privacy, they may occasionally be seen in public or participate in events. However, it’s important to respect their personal boundaries and privacy.

    Are there other famous celebrities living in North Carolina?

    Yes, North Carolina has attracted a wide range of celebrities from various fields. While the celebrities mentioned in this article are well-known residents, there are many more who have chosen to call North Carolina home.

    Can I visit the areas where these celebrities reside?

    Some of these celebrities live in private residences, while others may have properties that are accessible to the public. However, it’s important to remember that these are their personal spaces, and it’s always respectful to maintain boundaries and privacy.
