Idaho Botanical Garden closes after Stay at Home order

May 2024 · 2 minute read

With Gov. Little's 21-day Stay at Home order, Idaho's Botanical Garden is now closing its gates to the public.

Only essential staff will be allowed in to take care of the plant collections over the next few weeks.

Here's a full letter from the garden:

To our Garden community,

Watching our community come together to support each other over the past few weeks has been incredible. It makes us proud to be a part of such an amazing place. With Governor Little's new Stay-in-Place order taking effect immediately, it is time for us to close our gates to the public for the time being.

Over the coming weeks, we will have only essential staff in the Garden to take care of our plant collections, keeping them healthy and vibrant. The rest of our staff will continue to work remotely, providing you with resources virtually and planning for when we are able to welcome you back into the Garden.

With our gates closing, we are looking for new ways to continue to be a resource for you while keeping our distance--moving classes to an online format when we can, providing youth education materials for those with kiddos at home, and thinking of creative ways to celebrate together... but, you know... apart. Even with all that we are doing, we are losing much-needed revenue and need your support.

You can help make a difference by becoming a member or donating to the Garden. Your donations will be put to work immediately to support our efforts today and guarantee we will be able to open our gates when the time comes.

Like you, we are really looking forward to this all being over. We are looking forward to gathering with friends and family in the Meditation Garden at Great Garden Escape. We are looking forward to learning about all the creepy crawlies at Bug Day with the kiddos. We are looking forward to listening to one of Sierra's botany lectures while sitting in the cool shade of the Rose Garden. We are looking forward to seeing you folks again!

Now is a great time to get out in the Garden, so go get some fresh air and you'll be hearing from us soon!

Be well and continue to take care of one another.
